Mišarska 1

34300 Aranđelovac

What do we treat?

lekovite vode

Bukovička mineral water is ranked among the best European and world-carbonic acid alkaline waters, with its soothing invigorating and refreshing effect to the human organism, a wide range of medicinal properties. It also has a preventive, prophylactic properties when used regularly by prescription.

Drinking of Bukovička mineral water has therapeutic effects on:

Bathing in mineral water treats:

• inflammatory, extra articular and degenerative rheumatism.

These are the main indications, which have been clinically proven. With the use of procedures and measures of physical medicine, hygienic dietary regiments, climatic factors, indications cover a wider range such as:

Bukovička banja bazen

• rheumatic diseases
– inflammatory rheumatism (Rheumatoid arthritis, Psoriatic arthritis, Morbus Bechterew …)
– degenerative rheumatism (arthritis, spondylosis, herniated disk …)
– extra-articular rheumatism (fibrositis, myositis, panniculitis, tendinitis …)
– Osteoporosis
• disorders and diseases of the peripheral circulation (Raynaud’s Syndrome, Mb. Burger …)
• neurological disease
– damage to the central nervous system (CVI effects: hemiplegia, hemiparesis, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s
disease …)
– damage to the peripheral nervous system (mono-and polyneuropathy)
• injuries and diseases of the sceletal, joint and muscle systems (upper extremities, spine, pelvis and hips,
lower extremities)
• respiratory diseases (chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease …)
• Diabetes and associated complications (angiopathy, polyneuropathy …)

BALNEOLOGICAL indications (symptoms) for treatment:

• the digestive system diseases (peptic ulcer disease without complications, chronic gastritis and duodenitis,
Crohn’s disease, chronic cholecystitis and cholangitis nekalkulozni …)
• metabolic disorders (diabetes, thyroid disease …)
• diseases of the urinary system (sand in the urinary tract …)

• Endocrine disorders (diabetes, thyroid disease …)
• Obesity
• birth injuries (peripheral nervous system, muscles, bones)
• congenital anomalies (neck, torso and limbs)
• delays in psychomotor development
• dislocation and hip dysplasia
• acquired deformities of the spine, extremities and growth related disease
• respiratory diseases (asthma, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, …)
• injuries and diseases of bone, muscle and joint system
• neuromuscular disease
• condition after acute damage to the peripheral and central nervous system
• Cerebral Palsy
• rheumatic diseases (juvenile rheumatoid arthritis …)
• diseases of the digestive system (peptic ulcer disease, chronic inflammatory bowel disease, chronic no calculus
cholecystitis and cholangitis